Francisco Contreras

Podcast Terminal 5

måndag, november 26, 2007

Högern konfronterar demokratin i Bolivia

De rapporteringar som kommer från Bolivia just nu är att högern nu öppet trotsar den demokratiskt valda konstituerande församlingen. Det är uppenbart att högern nu förbereder sig för en statskupp. Våldsamma upplopp och avspärrningar blockerade den konstitureande församlingens arbete. Under söndagen lynchades en polis och ledamöterna fick fly från Sucre där de var samlade. Enligt en rapport i UBV:s hemsida sattes bilar och byggnader i brand däribland en polisstation och en brandstation. Fångar släpptes ut ur fängelset. Affärer började plundras och ungdomar tog tillfället i akt att vandalisera.

Roger Burbach direktör för Center for the Study of the Americas (CENSA ) skriver att Bolivias första urinvånarpresident Evo Morales håller på att tvinga fram ett avgörande slag mot oligarkin och de politiska högerpartierna som har hindrat ansträngningarna för att anta en ny författning med syftet att förändra landet. Han förklarade: "Antingen död eller levande kommer jag att ha en ny författning för landet den 14 december," dvs den fastslagna dagen då den folkvalda Konstituerande Församlingen måste lägga fram författningsförslaget.

Victoria Gonzalez, vänsterpartist och aktiv i stödgrupperna till MAS skrev igår en välinformativ rapport om läget.

Jag har lyssnat på de direktsända grundlagsöverläggningarna sedan igår fredag. Det var meningen att dessa överläggningar skulle vara i staden Sucre men våldsamma universitetsungdomar fortsatte misshandla både grundlagsförsamlingens ledamöter och de förtroendevalda som var i Sucre för att följa överläggningarna. Dessa förtroendevalda blev misshandlade och utslängda med xenofoba och rasistiska förtecken i måndags och i tisdags denna vecka.

De uppskrämda ledamöter flyttade till en militäranläggning för att kunna fortsätta sina överläggningar. Ungdomarna gavs sig då på allt i sin omgivning främst institutionerna, vilket ledde till att poliserna använde tårgaser mot ungdomarna. Anledning till deras vrede är att Sucre kräver bli Bolivias huvudstad i praktiken också. Men deras krav blev för långtgående och trots att de i förhandlingar fick en hel del igenom drog sig (högerpartiet) Podemos i sista stunden ifrån förhandlingsbordet.

Igår verkade det som att ungdomarna så småningon lugnat ner sig men idag kom det rapporter om att de hade beväpnat sig med molotovbomber, dinamiter, mycket alkohol och vapen. Under hela dagen försökte dessa ungdomar bryta säkerhetsbarriären. Fram på kvällen började det sprida sig rykten inne i militärkassernen om att beväpnade ungdomar var på väg att storma dem. Det kommenterades också i direktsändning om att de flesta massmedia under hela dagen hade kallat befolkningen till civilolydnad och att sätt stopp för de pågående förhandlingarna. Skälet var enligt massmedia att grundlagsöverläggningarna var olagliga. Men detta är lögn eftersom det var det första man klargjorde vid uppropet. Det kom 145 ledamöter av 255 och 9 av 16 politiska partier var representerade bl. a två Podemos-ledamöter (de ivrigaste regeringsopponenterna). Hur som helst när öveläggningarna nästan var avklarade idag blev mötet bryskt avbruten av stadens borgmästare. Han varnade om den överhängande anstormningen och om att alla måste lämna lokalerna omedelbart, dessutom menade han att det redan fanns flera döda utanför. Det uppstod tumult i salen och en del höll på att lämna salen med en gång, men andra stålsatte sig och man övertygade alla om att försöka fullfölja överläggningarna. Så under överhängande hot beslutade man om de två sista punkterna. Vilket betyder också att i grova drag godkände de kommissionernas arbete tidigare i år. Den ena gällde Sucres ställning som huvudstad men att La Paz fortfarande skulle vara den praktiska huvudstaden.

Efter det avslutades radiosändningarna och jag försökte hitta någon annan radiosändningen för att få veta vad som hände. Jag fick då lyssna på universitetsrektor i Sucre som skyllde allting på regeringen. Han påstod att de stackars förtroendevalda utanför militäranläggningen var beväpnade och att de skulle döda fler ungdomar. Han uppmanade befolkningen att ta sig till militärförläggningen och en gång för alla göra slut på den illegala nyantagna grundlagen.

Jag letade vidare och fick reda på ett tiotal sårade och en död, men sedan försvann all kontakt med alla IT-medier i Bolivia. Samma sak hände i Venezuela 2002. Det är hemskt om det skulle hända i Bolivia ett apartheid-land som trots sina rikedomar är det fattigaste i Sydamerika och när nu den nya grundlagen äntligen erkänner alla sina medborgare som lika. Den nyssantagna grundlagen arbetades ihop i 21 kommisioner som till 85 % var eniga på alla artiklar. Det skulle därför vara ett hårt slag mot demokratin.

Victoria Gonzalez

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Och så demokrativänliga är Lennart Regebros liberala högerkompisar.

Anonym sa...

Sprid den här:hela planen om hur cia vill påverka folkomröstningen på söndag!!

November 20,2007 CONFIDENTIAL MEMORANDUM Of: Michael Middleton Steere, U.S. Embassy He stops: Michael Hayden, Director Central Agency of Intelligence. Subject: Advance of the Final stage of the Operation Pliers
Taking in consideration the previous documentary advances around the Operation Pliers that coordinate HUMINT in Venezuela according to the director 3623-g-0217, I fulfill in informing to him for the consequent aims, of the present status of this operation, which enters its final stage according to the considered thing. In summarized form, we presented/displayed the diverse scenes emphasized in the memoradum previous, which in the last weeks acquires new developments:

1) Electoral Scene. As I emphasized it in the preceding report, the tendencies of intentions of vote stay. Until now the different made measurements, including ours, they give to IF an advantage between 10 and 13 points (57 % IF, 44% non). A such percentage estimation occur within the framework of an abstention that goes up to around 60% of the enrolled voters. Our analyses, observe that this tendency is irreversible in the short term, that is to say, in next the fifteen (15) days cannot be modified those percentage of a significant way. On the other hand, the advertising campaign promoted by the Plan and the desertions of the governmental rows (We can Baduel, for example) has managed to clear to Chávez 6 points to him in their position of initial starting, as it had not happened in other campaigns, where has started off with an advantage between 15 and 20 % Nevertheless, a freezing of the waited for impact can be hoped, since such tendencies touched floor. In such sense, this office recommends to execute predicted in the Plan for the Operation Pliers in the case of consolidating in the next days this scene. As it is of his knowledge we have proposed a fan of answers, between which they are: To prevent the referendum or to not know its results even though is called to vote by NO. In terms of tactical orientation these hinges can give the impression of being contradictory, but for the conjunctural political moment its combination is necessary. In the days that are we can continue fortifying the activities that aim to prevent the referendum and at the same time to prepare the conditions to not know the results of the same one. In the political preparation of the non recognition of the results of the referendum, the creation has been important from the opinion matrix on a safe triumph of NOT and in such sense we will continue working with the pools researchs that we have contracted. At the same time which we maintain one maintained campaign by NO, one comes working in the critic to the CNE and its connection with a series of traps, which generates in the public opinion the fraud sensation. In that sense we have come insisting on the topics referred the inconsistency from the permanent electoral registry, where we contacted with an equipment of experts of the universities, that by its academic prestige makes a manipulation credible of the data on the part of the CNE, equal happens on the doubts on the red and the behavior of the voting machines. In this context, to flood the voting act day 2 of December is consustancial with the premise of VOTES and ABSTENTION to be able to produce an implosion that allows us to execute the director already established in the Operation Pliers.
2) Upon this last aspect we have agreed with allied forces to begin in the afternoon give information in the first hours of the Sunday the 2 of December, exploding preliminary soundings in the voting tables. The mounted operations requires of a coordination with mass media at international level, according to the planning. Since we have explained in another document, to handle itself in these two scene does not stop being politically dangerous, by the fracture that exists in the competing groups. In spite of our effort to unite to all the sectors, there are opinions found around some aspects of our Plan. We have made contacts and meetings with the First Justice and New Time and apparently are not going to subscribe our strategy. All the opposite of the National Commando of the Resistance and Democratic Action, with those who we come working the two options. Here it is necessary to emphasize the paper that come carrying out Esclusa Rock and Guyon Cellis according to the previous coordinations made by Richard Nazario, with respect to scattering in all the national territory small centers of protests, that generate an ungovernability climate, allowing to culminate in the general rise of a substantial part of the population. Nevertheless, I consider advisable that this operational nexus canalizes the office to avoid complications to him to the embassy 2) the immediate tasks of the final stage The combination of the previous clamps or hinges (to prevent the referendum, to denounce the fraud and to take the street) for a victorious closing from our operation, demand of a sharp diplomatic effort to isolate still more to Chávez in the international land, to deal with to obtain the unit of the opposition and to look for the alliance of the non-participants and those that vote by NO, to increase the pressure of street in the previous days to the 2 December, to maintain with firmness the propaganda against the regime, to execute the military actions of support to the mobilizations and propagandistic takings, to culminate operational preparations of our forces quartered in bordering Base. The support of the originating external equipment of the green and blue country, this coordinated, blue the naval operation of this predicted one and, the borders with green in the certain points this free one. We immediately reviewed to the made activities to fulfill such goals: A) As far as the mobilizations of street, as it contemplates the Plan to it, we have managed to persuade to important tie student sectors to the deprived educative institutions so that they are gotten up organic to our initiatives to leave Chávez. In the third week of November an agreement was obtained that leads to emergent consensus that has welcomed our ideas of democracy and freedom, several meetings of work we have made, under the coordination of Rudolph directors Youngest child Scharikker Podolski of the Simón University Bolivar and Ugalde of Beautiful the Catholic University Andrés. These authorities have constituted a team where groups of professors participate between whom Oropeza Angel and his team of the postgraduate of Political Sciences. The meetings they have attended student leaders of several universities: Yon Goicochea of the Catholic University Andrés Bello (UCAB), Juan To Mejías of the Simón Bolivar University (USB), Douglas of the Metropolitan University, Ronel Gaglio of the University Mounts Ávila, Gabriel Rooster of the University Santa Maria. Between these leaders there is consensus in general terms, but with some differences as far as the concrete actions for the next days. Red Flag has result flattering the position assumed by student leaders of a denominated group, formerly enemy jury of ours interests in the country. His leader Ricardo Sanchez, of the Central University of Venezuela, was one of which support our proposal of direct actions of street against the institutions: CNE, Supreme Court of Justice and the Palace of Miraflores. Anyway, unit has to continue working of action of these groups, since there is danger of fracture under the operational premise of the nonviolence and exigencies that are contemplated in the Plan, being part of the same contradictory reality that we evaluated in the electoral scene, since in these student groups they influence so much the National Commando of the Resistance as the First Justice and in their sine the diverse partisan positions are expressed. B) As you know, one of the objectives of the Operation Pliers is to control a territorial or institutional strip, with massive support of citizen displeasures, in a lapse contemplated between 72 and 120 hours, time considered like minimum lapse to detonate the ascending phase of the actions anticipated, where the military uprising is contemplated. In this they are not it jeopardize all the sectors, reason why we demanded a greater activity of the dedicated teams to construct our alliances. Particular importance has the contacts and meetings with the officials of the diverse components, particularly of the National Guard. Although the connection that previously the central office sent made its task, the coordination with this key force has not been easy by the dispersion of its commandos. In this scope, as already it had been found out by our emergency message , one of the team coordinated by our operative connection was detected and part of the armament had been seized, which has generated some difficulties of security. Before the dangers of political use of the publicly well-known facts, it is necessary to prepare alibis and contra propaganda that minimize the demoralizing impact of some imputations that the government will do, due to the facts found in some cellular phones and laptops seized. C) In the contemplated sphere of propaganda and psychological operations in the Plan in course, is where we have harvested the greater successes, to such an extent than in the last weeks we have imposed our agenda and dominated the advertising scene. The contributions of the SIP and the international agencies have been key. Special recognition deserves Youngest child Gregg ZIF, AAPP of the Embassy, by this work. And the equipment organized by Ravell comes rendering its fruits and requires in this last phase greater contributions. In this last aspect I must inform him that of $8 million that were transferred almost everything they have been spent in propaganda, publicity and contributions to some of the facade organizations. In this last case, we have had difficulties with the Development INC. Alternative, since enemy intelligence has located our connection with Mr. Gerson Patete and have monitoreada the current account of the Mercantile Bank, Not 0105-0026-59-102636243-1. He is urgent not to continue making transference that account and to establish another channel for the financing contemplated in this phase of the Operation Pliers.

November 20,2007 CONFIDENTIAL MEMORANDUM Of: Michael Middleton Steere, U.S. Embassy He stops: Michael Hayden, Director Central Agency of Intelligence. Subject: Advance of the Final stage of the Operation Pliers
Taking in consideration the previous documentary advances around the Operation Pliers that coordinate HUMINT in Venezuela according to the director 3623-g-0217, I fulfill in informing to him for the consequent aims, of the present status of this operation, which enters its final stage according to the considered thing. In summarized form, we presented/displayed the diverse scenes emphasized in the memoradum previous, which in the last weeks acquires new developments:

1) Electoral Scene. As I emphasized it in the preceding report, the tendencies of intentions of vote stay. Until now the different made measurements, including ours, they give to IF an advantage between 10 and 13 points (57 % IF, 44% non). A such percentage estimation occur within the framework of an abstention that goes up to around 60% of the enrolled voters. Our analyses, observe that this tendency is irreversible in the short term, that is to say, in next the fifteen (15) days cannot be modified those percentage of a significant way. On the other hand, the advertising campaign promoted by the Plan and the desertions of the governmental rows (We can Baduel, for example) has managed to clear to Chávez 6 points to him in their position of initial starting, as it had not happened in other campaigns, where has started off with an advantage between 15 and 20 % Nevertheless, a freezing of the waited for impact can be hoped, since such tendencies touched floor. In such sense, this office recommends to execute predicted in the Plan for the Operation Pliers in the case of consolidating in the next days this scene. As it is of his knowledge we have proposed a fan of answers, between which they are: To prevent the referendum or to not know its results even though is called to vote by NO. In terms of tactical orientation these hinges can give the impression of being contradictory, but for the conjunctural political moment its combination is necessary. In the days that are we can continue fortifying the activities that aim to prevent the referendum and at the same time to prepare the conditions to not know the results of the same one. In the political preparation of the non recognition of the results of the referendum, the creation has been important from the opinion matrix on a safe triumph of NOT and in such sense we will continue working with the pools researchs that we have contracted. At the same time which we maintain one maintained campaign by NO, one comes working in the critic to the CNE and its connection with a series of traps, which generates in the public opinion the fraud sensation. In that sense we have come insisting on the topics referred the inconsistency from the permanent electoral registry, where we contacted with an equipment of experts of the universities, that by its academic prestige makes a manipulation credible of the data on the part of the CNE, equal happens on the doubts on the red and the behavior of the voting machines. In this context, to flood the voting act day 2 of December is consustancial with the premise of VOTES and ABSTENTION to be able to produce an implosion that allows us to execute the director already established in the Operation Pliers.
2) Upon this last aspect we have agreed with allied forces to begin in the afternoon give information in the first hours of the Sunday the 2 of December, exploding preliminary soundings in the voting tables. The mounted operations requires of a coordination with mass media at international level, according to the planning. Since we have explained in another document, to handle itself in these two scene does not stop being politically dangerous, by the fracture that exists in the competing groups. In spite of our effort to unite to all the sectors, there are opinions found around some aspects of our Plan. We have made contacts and meetings with the First Justice and New Time and apparently are not going to subscribe our strategy. All the opposite of the National Commando of the Resistance and Democratic Action, with those who we come working the two options. Here it is necessary to emphasize the paper that come carrying out Esclusa Rock and Guyon Cellis according to the previous coordinations made by Richard Nazario, with respect to scattering in all the national territory small centers of protests, that generate an ungovernability climate, allowing to culminate in the general rise of a substantial part of the population. Nevertheless, I consider advisable that this operational nexus canalizes the office to avoid complications to him to the embassy 2) the immediate tasks of the final stage The combination of the previous clamps or hinges (to prevent the referendum, to denounce the fraud and to take the street) for a victorious closing from our operation, demand of a sharp diplomatic effort to isolate still more to Chávez in the international land, to deal with to obtain the unit of the opposition and to look for the alliance of the non-participants and those that vote by NO, to increase the pressure of street in the previous days to the 2 December, to maintain with firmness the propaganda against the regime, to execute the military actions of support to the mobilizations and propagandistic takings, to culminate operational preparations of our forces quartered in bordering Base. The support of the originating external equipment of the green and blue country, this coordinated, blue the naval operation of this predicted one and, the borders with green in the certain points this free one. We immediately reviewed to the made activities to fulfill such goals: A) As far as the mobilizations of street, as it contemplates the Plan to it, we have managed to persuade to important tie student sectors to the deprived educative institutions so that they are gotten up organic to our initiatives to leave Chávez. In the third week of November an agreement was obtained that leads to emergent consensus that has welcomed our ideas of democracy and freedom, several meetings of work we have made, under the coordination of Rudolph directors Youngest child Scharikker Podolski of the Simón University Bolivar and Ugalde of Beautiful the Catholic University Andrés. These authorities have constituted a team where groups of professors participate between whom Oropeza Angel and his team of the postgraduate of Political Sciences. The meetings they have attended student leaders of several universities: Yon Goicochea of the Catholic University Andrés Bello (UCAB), Juan To Mejías of the Simón Bolivar University (USB), Douglas of the Metropolitan University, Ronel Gaglio of the University Mounts Ávila, Gabriel Rooster of the University Santa Maria. Between these leaders there is consensus in general terms, but with some differences as far as the concrete actions for the next days. Red Flag has result flattering the position assumed by student leaders of a denominated group, formerly enemy jury of ours interests in the country. His leader Ricardo Sanchez, of the Central University of Venezuela, was one of which support our proposal of direct actions of street against the institutions: CNE, Supreme Court of Justice and the Palace of Miraflores. Anyway, unit has to continue working of action of these groups, since there is danger of fracture under the operational premise of the nonviolence and exigencies that are contemplated in the Plan, being part of the same contradictory reality that we evaluated in the electoral scene, since in these student groups they influence so much the National Commando of the Resistance as the First Justice and in their sine the diverse partisan positions are expressed. B) As you know, one of the objectives of the Operation Pliers is to control a territorial or institutional strip, with massive support of citizen displeasures, in a lapse contemplated between 72 and 120 hours, time considered like minimum lapse to detonate the ascending phase of the actions anticipated, where the military uprising is contemplated. In this they are not it jeopardize all the sectors, reason why we demanded a greater activity of the dedicated teams to construct our alliances. Particular importance has the contacts and meetings with the officials of the diverse components, particularly of the National Guard. Although the connection that previously the central office sent made its task, the coordination with this key force has not been easy by the dispersion of its commandos. In this scope, as already it had been found out by our emergency message , one of the team coordinated by our operative connection was detected and part of the armament had been seized, which has generated some difficulties of security. Before the dangers of political use of the publicly well-known facts, it is necessary to prepare alibis and contra propaganda that minimize the demoralizing impact of some imputations that the government will do, due to the facts found in some cellular phones and laptops seized. C) In the contemplated sphere of propaganda and psychological operations in the Plan in course, is where we have harvested the greater successes, to such an extent than in the last weeks we have imposed our agenda and dominated the advertising scene. The contributions of the SIP and the international agencies have been key. Special recognition deserves Youngest child Gregg ZIF, AAPP of the Embassy, by this work. And the equipment organized by Ravell comes rendering its fruits and requires in this last phase greater contributions. In this last aspect I must inform him that of $8 million that were transferred almost everything they have been spent in propaganda, publicity and contributions to some of the facade organizations. In this last case, we have had difficulties with the Development INC. Alternative, since enemy intelligence has located our connection with Mr. Gerson Patete and have monitoreada the current account of the Mercantile Bank, Not 0105-0026-59-102636243-1. He is urgent not to continue making transference that account and to establish another channel for the financing contemplated in this phase of the Operation Pliers.