Francisco Contreras

Podcast Terminal 5

onsdag, juni 20, 2007

Avnery om konfrontationerna i Palestina

Den israeliska fredsrörelsen Gush Shaloms grundare Uri Avnery har skrivit en mycket intressant analys om läget i Palestina.

"The American aim is clear. President Bush has chosen a local leader for every Muslim country, who will rule it under American protection and follow American orders. In Iraq, in Lebanon, in Afghanistan, and also in Palestine.

Hamas believes that the man marked for this job in Gaza is Mohammed Dahlan. For years it has looked as if he was being groomed for this position. The American and Israeli media have been singing his praises, describing him as a strong, determined leader, "moderate" (i.e. obedient to American orders) and "pragmatic" (i.e. obedient to Israeli orders). And the more the Americans and Israelis lauded Dahlan, the more they undermined his standing among the Palestinians. Especially as Dahlan was away in Cairo, as if waiting for his men to receive the promised arms.
In the eyes of Hamas, the attack on the Fatah strongholds in the Gaza Strip is a preventive war. The organizations of Abbas and Dahlan melted like snow in the Palestinian sun. Hamas has easily taken over the whole Gaza Strip."

Nu när Palestinierna är splittrade och försvagade passar ockupationsmakten på att intensifiera sitt förtryck och dödandet och USA på att ge ockupanterna mer pengar

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